Diminishing hearing ability?

I believe my biggest challenge in pursuing a great listening experience is my diminishing hearing ability. I have assembled a $50k system through Audiogon (for about $30k) that should knock my socks off. Once and a while it does but most of the time is less enjoyable than my first "higher end" $5k system 30 years ago.

Just had to remark because it's rather frustrating at times. Not that my hearing is that bad, it's just not what it had once been.

I suppose we're all challenged by this to varying degrees. Hmmm, anyone ever have an "ear tune-up" (short of a hearing aid)? May be the best tweak of all!!!


Showing 1 response by zd542

When you were building your system, did you go around with the same 5 or 10 demo CD's and use the same test tracks over and over again? When you do stuff like that, the system you end up with will probably sound good with your test CD's, but not the music you really listen to.