Diminishing hearing ability?

I believe my biggest challenge in pursuing a great listening experience is my diminishing hearing ability. I have assembled a $50k system through Audiogon (for about $30k) that should knock my socks off. Once and a while it does but most of the time is less enjoyable than my first "higher end" $5k system 30 years ago.

Just had to remark because it's rather frustrating at times. Not that my hearing is that bad, it's just not what it had once been.

I suppose we're all challenged by this to varying degrees. Hmmm, anyone ever have an "ear tune-up" (short of a hearing aid)? May be the best tweak of all!!!


Showing 1 response by stringreen

Loydc...yuk..hearing aids are awful. The beauty of sound is totally gone, replaced by digital sand of the worst kind. I tried a few different brands, and decided to live without them.