Digital Remastering: Last 5 years.....

WHile HDCD,DVD-a, Sacd,etc. has failed in relation to mainstream appeal...the quality of conventional redbook reproduction has been gravely overlooked...especially in the remastering process which has improved greatly IMHO...examples being AC/DC,the Police,Marley,etc...anybody else feel the same?

Showing 1 response by tomcy6

I have heard some remastered cds that were greatly improved over their earlier versions and sounded great to me. The recent Emmylou Harris box set is an example. Some of the tunes were recorded in the 70s and they were able to get really nice sound off the tapes. Emmylou always put quality above quantity though.

I think that digital players and cds have been improving steadily and will continue to do so for some time to come.