Digital Reclockers are they worth the extra Effort - IMO YES


I have been asked about Reclockers from others .The Denafrips Iris Reclocker is an excellent way to make your streamer, or computer to dac  noticeably Better . The Iris is excellent once you connect from the USB  out it takes the digital incoming Signal and cleans it  to give you a pristene  incoming signal.

I would highly recommending this for any dac up to $1500 for only $550 a Excellent  addition and has a I2S hookup which is seamless ,no compatibility issues With any Denafrips products ,as well as other that use the ps audio I2S pin out.Holo springs as well as other use this ,this new unit has much higher grade regulators ,as well as precision clocks and a bigger-0 Crystal  copper 60va transformer  The New Enyo 15 dac  ,as well as the New Ares 15 th are a new Generation not just a upgrade .I am currently running in the Pontus 15 dac 

And is a Substantial upgrade to the previous 12th anniversary. The Reclocker is 

Not just an upgrade ,this Iris 12th arrived last year and comparing to previous model 2 the 12th  gives  everything far better accuracy and precision ,macro and micro details are much better as well.

If you wanted something far better still the Hermes DDC at $1200 will make better even a $4k-+ dac , how this works please see below .

Your incoming USB signal goes to the reclocker ,then to a FIFO buffer that stores the digital signal ,then to a FPGA DSP processor, from there to a 45 MHz ,49Mhz 

Clock which is then now Reclocked which is Galvanically isolated meaning isolated from electrical noise to your outputs ,

Which are SPDIF, Optical - Toslink, AES balanced, I2S  which I prefer 

Which uses a HDMI cable I use Wireworld for pin out accuracy.

Once you put in your system and runin for 200 hours , then remove it 

You will clearly see the drop off in resolution .


The Hermes I have tried even with my Terminator dac and Holo springs 3 ,it 

Made a nice improvement across the board .I am waiting to audition the Hermes 12th  very soon . 

The Top Gaia is for any very high quality dac Above $4k IMO

I hope this helps ,enjoy your music 🎶happy  listening .



Showing 1 response by danager



The cheapest quartz clock they use in a $100 DVD player has more accuracy than you can hear, something like .005%. And you cannot hear the difference between .005% and .000005%.

So, what makes one clock sound better than another? Two things: how low the hash noise is that the clock creates in the audible spectrum and how little electromagnetic interference it creates. Both of these pollute other components in the same chassis.

An OCXO or Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator, may have lower accuracy than a TCXO, or Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator, but it will sound better because it has lower hash noise

Per Benjamin getting the clock out of the box improves the sound.

Makes sense to me