Digital music files quality?

Let me first describe my setup to better understand my question.  I am using Aurender WSe 20 server with resident digital files, Tidal Streaming and Quobuz Streaming.  This feed a Berkley Labs Alpha Reference 3 DAC to a D'Agastino integrated stereo amplifier.  The speakers are Paradigm 9H in an acoustically treated room.

I prefer digital recordings made in a studio as they seem consistently to be higher quality as are the newer recordings compared to older.

First, I have noticed there is a lot of really bad music out there and I need to listen usually to 100-200 songs to find one worth saving.

Of those worth saving, of which I have collected about 300 pieces, I have noticed on a handful of files (3-4), there is a small section of the recording with playback distortion.  Maybe a couple seconds, but noticeable.  

Sometimes, playing the same song through another source (switch from Tidal to Quobuz, or from Quobuz to a local original file, this distortion disappears.  This to me indicates a file issue, but on a couple occasions, regardless of the source, nothing seems to eliminate the issue.

Is this simply a bad patch in the recording or do I have a system problem? 

A couple of examples and where in the song you are hearing the problems may allow others to try to reproduce.

I have sometimes noticed a difference between Tidal vs Qobuz vs RIP from CD or download, but I have assumed that this is a difference in mastering or encoding. It's often the case that the Tidal or Qobuz version is higher sample size and/or rate, and if this is the case, Tidal and Qobuz versions will sound at least a little different because of encoding differences.