Personal experience...
The first streamer/player I purchased was an Olive One 500gb (I think) then shortly afterward the 1TB model. It was easy to rip, easy to playback, sounded decent enough. Almost. It's appreciably small physically, the interface is very easy to figure out, but I grew tired of swiping my finger on its face.
I then tried a Bluesound Vault2, a very good product with impeccable sonics and ease of use. Triple the price or more of the Olive. I had a lot of difficulty getting the Node to respond to the Vault without adjustments, so I gave up.
Now before I mention the product I found the best for my needs/wants allow me to preface it by relating that while I'm no stranger to computing, I find adding computers to my stereo setup requires a learning curve inherent to computing in general. And let it be said that players/streamers ARE computers, not analogue components. If one thinks it's just buying another piece and tapping it into your two channel setup, one would be woefully incorrectimundo.
I wanted good sonics, simplicity of use, an easy interface. The winner IMHO? The Sony HAPZ-1ES with the 1tb hard drive. It's the largest of the products I mentioned, a typically sized component that mates well with the look of your average separates setup. (If you've gone separates) This is the first anything Sony that I've allowed into my two channel setup over the years, in fact I've not had a Sony other than the original Walkman way back...when.
Also, you can find this selling for considerably less than its $1995 msrp currently. Mine was a demo for $1200. Money well spent.