Thanks for clearing that up for me! You did originally post 'near zero' but now it is a 'good amount'.
My partner really believes there are four types of matter: electrons, protons, neutrons and morons.
By and large, we 'audiophiles' are a pretty gullible lot! For fifty years we have been fed that digital sucks. Most audiophiles stick with two channels, 25 years after multi-channel came out. Then we discover that for two decades almost all records have been mastered digitally! And those same record-loving folk now laud streaming, which is digital, even if done badly.
I wish contributors would back up claims of clear audible differences with a bit more evidence. How hard is it to get somebody to switch a power cord while recording what they have switched and whether you think the sound is better, worse or the same?
I tried measuring the effect of lifting my dustcover and surprised myself with the lack of attenuation of pink noise, compared with white noise. There could be a sensible debate there