Digital Disorientation

I have been a mid-fi guy my entire life.  My current system consists of PSB Image T6 floorstanders, NAD C375 BEE int amp, NAD C546BEE CDP, and "nice" speaker cables/ICs.  I have also accumulated ~400 CDs over the last 25 years.  I have been looking for a book/site that explains the digital world from file formats to DACs,music streamers/players, and setting up a proper system - basically the basics on digital music.  I would eventually like to migrate in that direction but need the information in order to make the right decisions.  Any input would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

Showing 3 responses by randy-11

I don't know of a book, but post what you are trying to do

put CDs on a computer?  and play them?

Dirt simple on a Mac - just use iTunes and set it to Apple Lossless as one possibility.
Apple makes wireless and computer playback no big PITA

or stream from some co. that charges you by the month