I would look at it this way. If they break ten years from now you can probably buy a new one(used one) for very cheap relative to what a new one will cost. I have an evo-6. This might be a good idea for getting all of the rest done in one box.
Digital AMPs - Bel Canto
I just bought a Bel Canto eVo 2 Gen 2. I was running my LCR channels with a Bryston 5B st. Now I use the Bryston for the Center and surrounds, and the Bel Canto for LR.
The Bel Canto is AWESOME. Smooth and detailed - without the "brittleness" I sometimes hear from the Bryston.
So... here's the fifty dollar question...
Anyone know if the digital archetecture (sp!)can be supported (repaired) say 10 years from now? I want to go Bel Canto for all my channels, but am a bit worried that I couldn't get service years from now.
The Bel Canto is AWESOME. Smooth and detailed - without the "brittleness" I sometimes hear from the Bryston.
So... here's the fifty dollar question...
Anyone know if the digital archetecture (sp!)can be supported (repaired) say 10 years from now? I want to go Bel Canto for all my channels, but am a bit worried that I couldn't get service years from now.