Differential Balanced Sound Quality

I've read where running a true balanced (differential) amplifier as such sounds much better than running it single ended (I'm assuming the same amp has both balanced and single ended inputs here).

Why would that be the case? Is it merely the improved SN ratio, etc. from being balanced, or is it something circuit related with running each channel's plus and minus through separate amplification stages?

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

I've read where running a true balanced (differential) amplifier as such sounds much better than running it single ended (I'm assuming the same amp has both balanced and single ended inputs here).

That's the story. The one time I was able to do a valid comparison that is sure not the way it went. Dealer wanted to show off his Krell and how great it was balanced. So I made him let me hear it with the same interconnect both ways. Obviously not the same RCA/XLR but the same brand and level interconnect. As close as close can get.  

With balanced there definitely was a blacker background and...  that was it. The sound had slightly more of a hard edge to it. Just the kind of thing a lot of guys confuse with detail. 

Anyway, it is all beside the point. Because it is so obviously the wrong way to go. The number one factor in quality sound is quality parts. Going balanced requires twice as many parts. A whole duplicate circuit. So even if there is some advantage, it would have to be twice as good. And it's not. Nowhere even close. At best a slight improvement. Which you paid a hefty price tag to achieve. Bad move.

Balanced is in my opinion a misuse of technology. Balanced is totally designed for professional use. Runs of hundreds of meters. Not tens of feet. Components with hundreds of connections frequently being moved around. Home systems have a few and they tend to not be moved around much. On and on it goes. Every design attribute of balanced has the professional in mind. Home systems need locking connections? I don't think so. 

Good choice though if your system is the Kingdome.