Differential Balanced Sound Quality

I've read where running a true balanced (differential) amplifier as such sounds much better than running it single ended (I'm assuming the same amp has both balanced and single ended inputs here).

Why would that be the case? Is it merely the improved SN ratio, etc. from being balanced, or is it something circuit related with running each channel's plus and minus through separate amplification stages?

Showing 1 response by dentdog

Have had both and I must say that while the balanced front end was not of the quality that my present unbalanced front end now exhibits, there existed a depth in the music that was at times uncanny. Reducing the noise floor in my opinion is a critical aspect of a system when attempting to hear into the music. 
I still use balanced power with both an EQUI=TECH wall unit and Balanced Power Technologies  AC treatment. Still I have found that "spooky" sound quality a bit less prevalent in the current system. 
Using a BAT VK P 10SE phono stage fed my system a very deep and quiet signal. Alas the unit at 20 years old began to have problems. 
Running high efficiency speakers brings out the charm of a balanced system. I say it's worth it.