Different subwoofer settings for different albums?

So a dealer I know told me that he doesn’t use subwoofers and doesn’t know anyone who does (!) because he finds that every record has different levels of bass and would require a new subwoofer crossover point to properly blend with the main speakers.  Anyone else have this experience?

Showing 6 responses by redwoodaudio

@millercarbon - yes, have to question his skill set in this area...

@james633 thanks makes sense
@hilde45 -- look this was a private conversation with this dealer and I didn't provide him any indication I would be broadcasting any of his personal opinions by name on a public forum so I just feel weird about doing so.  PM me if you want more info privately.
Thanks everyone.  I don't want to divulge the name of this dealer because I think he has been very helpful in other ways and nobody's perfect, right?  But I will use my subwoofer and I will not worry too much about needing to mess with it from record to record (or streamed album to streamed album in my case), knowing that all of you are enjoying subs every day.  
@hilde45 and @mijostyn, I appreciate your feedback to my question and I agree that this dealer is not quite the all-around audio expert I was hoping he was. Fortunately, I could reality-check that questionable advice on this forum. I've relied on expertise in this forum much more than I've relied on any one dealer in building my system, which is cool to acknowledge. 
I wish I had room for a couple of large subs.  I'm anxious to get started again with one, though.  My main speakers go down flat or so to 40hz, and I really feel there could be more "there" there on most tracks.  A recent NYC trip to some jazz clubs help convince me of that!
@mijostyn - for now, not doing the DIY thing, but I am curious… maybe someday

@m-db - what is this software you describe?