Different amplifier class for different music genres?

I was reading a review of the Gryphon Antileon Evo in another forum and one user was saying that in the High bias mode the amplifier was excellent for classical music but not so good for metal or hard rock, perhaps softening the transients. For metal or hard rock he preferred the Low bias mode and he suggested that the Gryphon Diablo will be more suitable for this type of music (of course one is a final amp, the other an integrated one).

So the question is: does the class of the amplifier matter or better suit the type of music you are listening to? 

I have never owned a class A amplifier and I am itching to try some. I am currently using Hypex based diy monos driving Vienna Acoustics Mahler speakers.


Showing 3 responses by atmasphere

However, I also have 3 others,


that sound different with the same music. I wonder which one of those cheated?
They probably sound different with different music too. Whatever coloration they have with one genre, it will be the same coloration with any other.

The most common myth? That might be a tiny stretch. Lets just say one of many:-)
The reason I say that is because of how many times I've heard that JBL L-100s are one of the best rock speakers out there. This where there really isn't anything a speaker manufacturer can do to make the speaker favor a certain genre.

So the question is: does the class of the amplifier matter or better suit the type of music you are listening to?
Not at all. The quality of reproduction is what matters and that has a lot to do with execution. No-one has yet sorted out a way to make any kind of audio circuit that favors one genre of music over another; anything you may have heard to the contrary is myth, maybe the most common myth in audio.