Differences the Project RS2 Transport and the (newest) Jay's Audio CD2 Mk 3

@jaymark and @charles1dad are owners of the Project PS2 Transport and loving it.  I am between the Jay's Audio CD2 Mk3 and the Project.   However, did anyone compare the NEW 2019 Jay's Audio CD2 Mk3 rather than the prior model Mk2?  Steve Guttenberg reviewed them both and found significant improvement in the Mk3 version sonically.   How close are they now as the Jay's is $2500 and the Project with LTA power is closer to $4,000 (with taxes)?   



Showing 18 responses by charles1dad


Congratulations on those who own both the Jay’s and the Project not to mention the CEC’s. Let’s give those shiny discs a workout!

Yep, those shinny discs can sound superb with a high quality CD transport. Pro-Ject has their own proprietary i2s so may or may not work with your DAC. I look forward to your listening impressions.



Given your particular circumstances and format choices the P.S. CD/SACD could be the best option for you, 



I understand your perspective with regard to potential software issues. I owned the P.S.Audio PWT for 12 very enjoyable years and initially did give some consideration to the current CD/SACD transport.

I just haven’t found SACD particularly compelling compared to high quality well recorded 16/44 Redbook CD via a good CD transport,. If others have had a different experience, that’s good and go for the SACD. I was told by two Audiogon members I trust that the Pro-Ject RS2T was better sounding.

I have not heard the new CD/SACD transport so certainly I’m in no position to verify. At this point it doesn’t matter, as the RS2T is a marvelous CD transport. As I’ve said previously I seriously doubt that you could go astray with any of the three choices.



   The CDT2 Mk3 will be paired with Spring 3 KTE or Aqua La Voce S3 while the CDT3 will be paired with the May KTE.

Your cup surely " runneth over", Enjoy.. 😊



I  went ahead and ordered the new CDT3 Mk3 and should have it in a couple of weeks per Alvin and Victor. 


I am interested in your listening impressions and how it differs from your CDT2 MK III.



I know that delayed shipping for the Pro-Ject RS2T has been an issue for some. It seems that I was fortunate in ordering mine from Underwood Hifi.  I received the RS2T 2 weeks after placing my order in November. As I've said before,  IMO both are excellent transport choices. They are more expensive than the Cambridge and Audiolab CD transports but I believe worth it if you can afford them.




Straight from the website.

Much attention paid to vibration isolation chassis construction. I have no doubt that this flagship CD transport from them is terrific sounding.



I don’t blame you for your frustration given the excessive wait time. I ordered my Pro-Ject CD BOX RS2 transport in early November and it was delivered in 2 weeks. As I’ve posted before it is stunningly good sounding in my audio system.

People can go back and forth about which transport sounds better between it and the Jay’s Audio CDT2 MK III. Have at it, I just believe that music lovers will be exceptionally happy with either. If the latest Jay’s Audio transport is going to actually utilize the Stream Unlimited CD-Pro-8 drive mechanism, that’s a very wise decision.

That new technology drive/Blue Tiger servo mechanism plays a hugh role contributing to the superb sound quality of the Pro-Ject RS2T. Either CD transport would simply be an excellent choice. It's very difficult for me to bring listening sessions to an end, utterly enraging presentation. 



Congratulations! I believe that you'll be very happy with your new transport.  Enjoy!


For those desiring SACD the Pro-Ject RS2 transport wouldn't be for them. Pro-Ject has clearly stated their singular objective was to provide the best quality Redbook CD playback they could. I'm in that category of listener and they hit a homerun with superb Redbook performance.

So as is always the case it depends on what  one is searching for. There are definitely very good choices available for those seeking SACD capability.



I really appreciate your very kind comments. I just do not believe that you can go wrong with either of these CD transports. It was teajay (Terry London) who brought the Pro-Ject  RS2T to my attention via his thread on this forum. Otherwise the latest P.S.Audio  CD transport or Jay’s Audio CDT MK III would have been my choice.


@s4patrick and  ​​​​@chuckie Congratulations to both of you with your Jay’s Audio transport purchases. I have no doubt that both of you will be enjoy long term satisfaction. Chuckie I hope your housing situation resolves for you in the very near future.


I not aware of ongoing quality issues with the Pro-Ject RS2 transport. I know there’s been a mention by one user that the transport did not read the final tracks of a specific CD. A few reports of a noisy spinning disc, I've had neither.   Any component can have a problem here or there and this includes the Pro-Ject. Overall the feedback from owners is very positive regarding sound quality and trouble free use day to day.

CEC is definitely a good sounding transport (Particularly their upper models) and has an excellent track record of reliability. On the numerous Pro-Ject threads listeners familiar with the CEC have compared it to the Pro-Ject RS2 transport and preferred the latter. We all recognize that these listening impressions are subjective and formed by various individual factors.

Certainly their is room for both and other high quality CD transports in the High End audio marketplace. So to each their own. I can report 2 observations as an owner of the Pro-Ject.

It sounds fantastic and thus far I’ve had no functional or operational problems.



A cheap DVD player sounds exactly like a cheap DVD player.

For many listeners this is true.  Apparently not so for jasonbourne52 via his audio system. 





I started investigating reasonably priced transports and read the attached review of the Audiolab 6000. I found a slightly used one on Agon (at a great price): it should arrive this Thursday

I believe that you’ll be happy with this transport and have no doubt it is better than the cheaper DVD options mentioned above. With regard to the Pro-Ject RS2T keep in mind it utilizes the very latest Stream Unlimited CD Pro-8 drive mechanism and Blue Tiger-84 SERVO all in one aluminum -carbon fiber enclosed unit. This is a huge factor responsible for its sound quality.



Any cheap DVD player using digital output will send the same digital bits out to a DAC as any expensive transport. Confirmation bias increases with price!

This is patently wrong. I seriously doubt that you have any actual listening experiences with either of these two highly regarded CD transports.I owned the terrific P.S.Audio PWT for years. Definitely one of the better transports available.

The Pro-Ject CD BOX RS2 is a clear level above in sound quality from one end of the sonic spectrum to the other. To try and attribute this all to "confirmation bias" reflects an ignorance of the true sonic performance differences that are the reality.


If you’ve heard either of the 2 CD transports under discussion would you kindly share your listening impressions.
