Differences btw Blue Heaven & Red Dawn?

Anyone compared these two cables? Please comment on the differences. I have seen Blue Heaven recommended but no one seems to recommend Red Dawn. Thank You.

Showing 6 responses by carl_eber

And anyway, the only reviewers that use Nordost SPM as their "reference", use it in "Shotgun" configuration. In other words, they buy two sets of SPM at the affordable price that they can get it for, where consumers would be paying over $6000 for it. The reason they use two sets is because there's just not enough parallel conductor there, even in SPM. You can't argue with physics, afterall...
I think the Harry Pearson followers don't like Red Dawn, for some reason. I've not heard either one, myself. I have researched it a little, though, and can tell you that the Red Dawn speaker cables are 14 gauge, and the Blue Heaven are 16. Both are VERY little conductor for the money, and would surely limit dynamics, based on similar cables I've heard. However, if you have a tube amp, you can only go so big with speaker cable conductor size. 16 is just too small for anything, IMHO. The Magnan cables are high resistance also, and their conductor is much more "weird".
OK smart guy, you've "beat the hell outta me", be happy, cause it won't last, heh heh heh.
I'm no expert on Neutrik, I know that they're the preferred connector brand in the pro sound world, and they make the multipin "EP" connectors for sound reinforcement speakers......What I meant about Nordost, is that there's very little conductor there, for what you PAY for. BH 16 gauge, RD 14, SPM 12. There's nearly twice as much parallel conductor area in my AT Dragon (those are solid core silver), and yet the price is only like 20% more. I realize there are an extreme number of other factors at play, I'm only talking conductors (since they're usually the costliest part of the cable...but not always). I also realize that Nordost makes claims about the speed at which electricity is propogated through their cable, and that they have a special process for coating the copper conductors with silver (among other complexities). Their philosophy is higher resistance for minimum capacitance, it seems to me. This can make a cable very "fast", but not "dynamic", unless there are other factors at play, like termination networks............David, I have no idea how your Tara Labs sound, much less in your system. I've tried a lot of cables lately, but have not been able to get any of the Tara Labs ones that I'd like to try. I've never heard anything bad about the lower priced ones, and have heard both bad and good about their more costly lines, like Decade.
Oh, I've not ever seen their RCA connectors. What I hate is when a perfectly decent, affordable interconnect like Wireworld Atlantis 2 only comes with a brass RCA connector. I'd like to change these to a copper connector, but Wirewirld's copper RCA's are like $50 a pair. Have you ever heard the Clearaudio RCA connectors (Discovery cable uses them)? They're supposed to be better sounding than the best WBT, or so I gather.