Differences between cd transports?

Howdy,I borrowed a dedicated CD transport (Musical Fidelity) from a friend. I have found that music sounds much better with his transport than with the CD player I’ve been using to spin CDs. In both cases, I am using exactly the same DAC via the optical out connection from the transport and the CD player. So: is there any rational reason that, using the same digital to analog converter, one CD spinner should sound much better than another?Thanks!  
Heard an older model Sim CDP that we used as a transport.  We compared the SIM to the Rega though a DHT tube DAC and a highly modified Musical Fidelity DAC.  The Rega sounded a lot better in many ways to the older SIM.  Go figure.  Happy Listening.
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Hahahha I can't believe people actually purchase MD "products". I thought it was a troll websites targeting audiofools
TY Eliz, but these boys just don’t get it. Did I say boys? I meant IMMATURE boys