Difference in Using Mono-blocs with Maggie 20.7's

Peoples:  I've had Maggie 20.7's for about two years.  I like them.  I have a McIntosh MC462 amp that generates 450 watts pc and does a good job.  However I'm considering going to mono-blocs in search of an improvement in sound quality.  What is the likelihood of that being the case?  I've read much over time about how amp's can make such a difference in sound quality.  

Anyone out there make this change, and if so to what result?  Otherwise any other useful feedback is welcome.   


Showing 1 response by jond

It's certainly worth a try those are as you know fairly power hungry speakers, and quite transparent. Some good advice above not to expect a sea change short of changing brands or going in a radically different direction. It should be asked what about the current setup do you think could be improved?