Difference in Using Mono-blocs with Maggie 20.7's

Peoples:  I've had Maggie 20.7's for about two years.  I like them.  I have a McIntosh MC462 amp that generates 450 watts pc and does a good job.  However I'm considering going to mono-blocs in search of an improvement in sound quality.  What is the likelihood of that being the case?  I've read much over time about how amp's can make such a difference in sound quality.  

Anyone out there make this change, and if so to what result?  Otherwise any other useful feedback is welcome.   


Showing 3 responses by ghdprentice

Did you mean MacIntosh mono blocks?


I have both Audio Research Reference 160m monoblocks and the Reference 160s stereo version There is a small but notable difference in sound quality.. a bit deeper soundstage with smaller and more spaced apart images, surprisingly the stereo version sounds more powerful. You can see my system under my UserID.

If the question is if you can make a big difference in switching to a different brand and monoblocks. Then, you can make a huge difference… depending on your taste in sound. I am familiar with an earlier version of the Maggie’s. Also I was listening to an MC462  this weekend.

For my tastes very large differences can be gained, for me it would be positive. More detail and better tonal balance (more detail and more balanced treble) which should make them image better, if that is what you want. But those would be brand changes… if it is simply the mono versions of the same amp, I suspect your experience would be similar to mine… small, but notable. But the actual cost may be very high if your decision is not choosing between one or the other at initial purchase.


Then I recommend doing some auditioning: Audio Research, Boulder, Pass, and maybe Luxman. They will be very different… and you will get most of the difference because of the house sound from different companies more than mono-blocks… But mono blocks are the best.

Each of these companies are well established and know the sound they are trying to create.