Difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables?

Is there a difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables, or purely in the implementation?

Showing 2 responses by unfairlane

" Silver offers much more crispness and better clarity especially copper by its self, because most manufacturers use silver plated copper, some do all pure silver wire cables. However silver will seem to promote midrange and high frequency with much more ease, and be tighter in bass but definitely not lacking in low frequency production.."

 The only truth in this is the fact that silver has a bit of "clarity" that appeals to midfi-owners. This is because silver, unlike copper, has a decreasing resistance to higher frequencies. 

 "  Copper tends to deliver more mid-bass body and weight and is not as well defined in terms of leading edge detail. Bass is a tad more rounded and yes this can vary, but in general is accurate."

This is pure bs. 

About digital cables; buy a piece of Vivanco kx 710 or 910 and terminate it. Then put some duct-tape under your jaw cause it will drop. Thank me later