Difference in B&W sound

Greetings, I have a set of 804n & 803 Matrix2. I'm running a Pioneer Elite 74 Txvi with a parasound 2003 MOD & a Parasound 5250v2. the 804 have a sensitivity of 90db. & the 803s have 89db. The Matrix sound so much better, so why would this be for an older model? Could the 1db. be that much of a difference? I'm confused.

Showing 10 responses by zd542

"What sounds "Better" to an individual is purely subjective. No specs alone will tell you that."

I can't think of a better way to put it.

We all have different tastes. I had the 802 S3's and didn't like them at all. That said, there's always the possibility that something is wrong. What is it that you like better about your 803's than your 804's?
More open could mean many things. It would be a better comparison if you were to listen to both speakers without any processing. That way, you are hearing more of what the speakers can so.
"01-17-15: Jimmy2615
Speculating here, but having owned both Matrix 802s, 804s and Diamond 804s, to include both at the same time (804s), this may be very simply a matter of synergy with your electronics."

He's right. The 804's may be revealing more details than the 803's, and are just bringing out the flaws in the other components. I would demo a different amp, if you can. The Parasound you have is OK, but you can do a lot better.

Since you already have the equipment, here's something else you can try. Take your Parasound 5250v2 and use 4 channels to power the speakers instead of 2. Sometimes it makes a nice diffrence, but not always. You just have to try it. Make sure you remove the jumpers from the binding posts on the speakers, if you're using them.
"Anyone else have any suggestions?"

Actually, I forgot to mention in my first post that B&W speakers are known for the screws to loosen up over time. It would probably be a good idea to over all of your speakers and make sure everything is tight.
"01-21-15: Stringreen
I had a top of the line model (don't remember what). I got them on a wim when first wife passed...anyway, they were very disappointing...changed to top of Vandersteen line. Smiles."

I had top of the line B&W's too, but I downgraded to the entry level Vandersteen's. Smiles.
"01-22-15: Mkash3
Since B&W has poor bass, is it a better idea to go with their bookshelf models and just add a subwoofer? Seems like you'd get their best virtues -- good mids and clean treble -- and just substitute their weakness with a dedicated sub. Just throwing that out there."

I don't see how a setup like that would be an improvement. To start off with, the OP already has 2 pairs of B&W's. If you are trying to achieve better bass, it would make more sense to match a sub to a pair of the floor standers that he already has. Its much easier to integrate a sub into a system that has full range speakers to begin with. If you were to change over to something like an 805, there would be a huge gap between the low frequencies on the 805's and the highs on the sub. The best way I can describe the results, would be that it sounds like there's a hole in the music. Part of it is missing.
"01-23-15: Danmar123
The base (GRANTED), isn't going to perform from a 6"driver x2 as it would from a 12"."

I know why you may think that, but its really not true. When it comes to bass, all other things being equal, the only difference when it comes to making bass is that you can move a big driver relatively slow or a small one faster, to achieve the same note. It doesn't really matter what the size of the drivers as long as they have the ability to perform like you need them to, with proper setup and equipment.

You also mention that you live in NY. If you haven't been there yet, check out Audio Connection in Verona NY (He's very close. Its kind of like going to Newark airport.). They sell B&W but makes stores like Lyric, Stereo Exchange, Park, all look like amateurs. Best audio store I've ever been to by far.

"I would move the 803s up front but as in my HTM1 (CENTER), I feel isn't going to be a good match for them."

You don't have to do anything you don't want to, but audio is very hands on. Never assume something will or won't work, especially when you already have the equipment sitting in your house. Always try things for yourself, if you can. Its very likely that you can end up saving thousands of dollars that could be put to better use, like paying parking tickets.
Sorry, I must have missed something. I thought you said that you live in NYC. I wasn't aware of your Klipsch speakers either.
"Z, Verona is a 4 hr. drive from where I live."

Maybe if you leave for Audio Connection at around 4pm. lol. Going by distance, though, I don't think its any more than 20 miles from Manhattan.
615 Bloomfield Ave. ~ Verona, New Jersey 07044

Phone: 1.973.239.1799 ~ contact@audioconnect.com

That's the address and phone number. If you go to his web site, he has a map to show you exactly where it is.