Difference among Denon turntable plinths DK100, DK100G, DK100F, DK200, and DK300?

Anybody knows the difference among Denon turntable plinths DK100, DK100G, DK100F, DK200, and DK300?
They appeared to look all the same to me.
Thanks for your reply.
I purchased a DP-80 with a plinth, but the plinth does not have any label, not even the Denon logo. The receipt of the table says DK100G. Then, I searched for Denon plinths, and it came up with different models, but they all look the same for me except the colors.
DP-80 seems to be mostly paired with DK300, and DK100 seems to be paired with early models, but mine is with DK100G. Difference between DK100, DK100G, and DK100F seems to be for different kinds of arm support?
Quite a heavy table. Over 40lb including the turntable, plinth, and arm.
I only can tell you that the DK300 was the plinth that came with my Denon DP80 in an ensemble that included the DA307 tonearm.  It was a single-arm plinth.  Because they paired it with the DP80, I have to assume it was top of the line for that period.
Look for examples of each on Yahoo Buyee in Japan. Best I could see is that the DK100 series uses a long armboard and is a lighter colored veneer, DK200 series uses a smaller circular arm mount and the DK300 series is like the DK100 but in a dark veneer. I'm sure there are other differences and the letter at the end might pertain to a certain species of wood used in the veneer.
Denon also built plinths with 2 and 3 arm boards just like Victor did. You need to study some old Japanese catalogs as a lot of this stuff was not offered in the States. I'm sure there must be dedicated Denon websites or blogs over there.
