Did your system getting better the more money you spent or more experience you gained?

This is something that wanted to ask folks. Initially I said I would never spend x amount of dollars in this audio journey. 20 years later I’m here and did what I said I wouldn’t but I’m happier than ever. Best system to this date. But it wasn’t about money only. I gained knowledge on what was possible and the quality and design of the gear I wanted. I see people just throw money into audio and never be happy or satisfied. I think that happens because they don’t think for themselves as well as have the resources? Thoughts ?


Showing 1 response by elrod

In my case, the issue was whenever I would upgrade a piece of hardware, it would develop a new weak link (I'd take big bites out of the upgrade pie). Fix that link and another one would pop up. But before you know it, it levels out and you have a really nice sounding system.