Did you know that Audiogon...

now has a "sister" site named Videogon ? I didn't until a few minutes ago and thought that others might want to be made aware also.

I recently listed an HT pre / pro for sale on Agon and was given the option of having it appear on Videogon. Thinking that more exposure was better, i went for it. As it turns out, my ad appeared on Videogon but did not show up on Agon. That has me a bit confused, so i've emailed the "powers that be" to help me understand what's going on here.

As a side note, it appears that our Agon accounts will become "joint accounts" and merged with Videogon, but our member feedback regarding transactions will remain separate between the two forums / websites. While i don't really understand that, i included a question / suggestion about that also in my email to Agon.

Has anybody else checked out "Vgon" yet and / or have any comments about it ? How long has that site been up and running ? Will all the items that fall under "HT" gear now be shifted over to that site rather than appear here on Agon ? Sean

Showing 1 response by blw

They're just getting going - I had some listings on Audiogon last month and I got an offer to *also* list them on Videogon. (They were AV-related, a pre/pro and a 6-ch amp.)

I got a couple of bites from that site, but overall about half as many views as the same ad on Audiogon.

Looks like it'll be a great new market place after the word spreads.

Note that there aren't any discussion forums on Videogon - they're all expected to be here.