Did you hear Evolution Acoustics 2009 The Show?

I've been reading interesting reports of these speakers in a number of blogs and on-line magazines, but have not heard them yet myself. What did you who were there think of them?



Showing 1 response by bkonig

I'm a dealer for the Evolution Acoustics speakers simply because I've head nothing better overall for any price. I personally own the MM2's. I was very curious how their new smaller footprint mini 2's compared to their big brothers. They were set up with great care in a very small room by their incredibly talented designer, Kevin Malmgren. They were powered by the new dartzeel integrated amp and the source was the Playback designs DAC and CD player. Since the room was small, the system was set up for one seat only. Sitting in that seat was pure magic. Wide open incredible 3D stage with superbly focused images, see through transparency, natural tonality, superb coherency, deep, natural and tuneful bass. They sound like smaller versions of the MM2's and MM3's, which is how they should sound given the same state of the art cabinets and cost no object parts, build quality and design.
It wasn't the most dynamic, dramatic or bigger than life system at CES, but it was amongst the absolute best if not the best overall system at CES.