Did anyone return a PSAudio Powerplant? Why?

Anyone return a Powerplant after a home evaluation?

If so why?


I have a Shunyata Denali 6000S V.2 .. System uses all Shunyata power cords too.


Take everything you hear from ASR with at least a pound of salt!

All the best.


I didn’t hear anything from ASR, loll….

It was Paul of PS Audio who agreed that Power Plants increase noise (“this is absolutely true”), in one of his videos.  He then explained that Power Plants offer a benefit not by decreasing noise, but by reducing impedance which allows for a stable sine wave when your amp is drawing current.  He makes the case that we shouldn’t be concerned about noise.  

Paul’s YT Video





I tried a PSA Stellar PowerPlant 3, but eventually sold it.  I actually had an entire PSA Stellar stack.

Anyway, I was looking for AC mains noise reduction, which the PP3 did not provide (as already mentioned by others here), so I let it go.  What really helped me with noise reduction was a Puritan PSM156 power conditioner.  I checked results with a simple EMI noise meter, and the difference using the Puritan conditioner was measurable.  The Puritan also touts blocking DC, but I think you have to have quite a bit of DC present in order to notice a measurable difference.

Tried a PowerPlant 3. Did nothing for my system. Returned  it. In fact it made my soundstage slightly darker and less wide. Depth was good. I actually think my power is pretty good from the wall. Can’t detect noise, hum etc. My system when on and not playing anything is dead silent. Total blackness. Don’t think I need anything. I did notice some harshness in the lower treble during the last heatwave when power was in high demand but since I upgraded my sources both DAC and Streamer’s power cords to 10 gauge that solved the problem.