Did anybody get horns figured with triodes ?

Hi I am new here, out of loop along time, did the horn get figured out with low power or are there better setups available for a life like presentation.

I do not know about now but back a while ago I finally figured out the fewer gain stages the cleaner the sound but how can you run a speaker with less than 5 watts?

Thanks for replies! I love records too!

Showing 1 response by zd542

"I do not know about now but back a while ago I finally figured out the fewer gain stages the cleaner the sound but how can you run a speaker with less than 5 watts?"

I know what you are saying, but there are other factors that effect how clean sounding the amp is. Also, if you need more power, you can go SS. My Pass amps had only 2 gain stages. They had similar sonic qualities to low power tube amps.