Amir showed how the measured signal of the Nordost lined right up with that of a cheap cable. That tells you they will be audibly indistinguishable (in any likely set up).
You made a theory or a claim here. That’s all. Saying "they will be" is not good enough.
Why not prove it with a YT listening comparison of the two cables?
Since you/Amir made this claim, then the burden of proof is on you.
you COULD put what you think you hear to blind test controlling for bias. But most audiophiles won’t do that
First of all, you and Amir should follow your own advice.
You made a baseless claim here.
Audiophiles A/B all time when choosing components and cables, or when making tweaks. Because a listening comparison is the ONLY method used for judging sound quality.
There are many A/B tests on the YT and even blind tests.
Alphaaudio 12 speaker cables blind test
Why do you act like that, going around shouting about your measurement results without even listening to what you measured?