Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

It’s easy to make snide remarks like “yes- I do the opposite of what he says.”  And in some respects I agree, but if you do that, this is just going to be taken down. So I’m asking a serious question. Has ASR actually changed your opinion on anything?  For me, I would say 2 things. I am a conservatory-trained musician and I do trust my ears. But ASR has reminded me to double check my opinions on a piece of gear to make sure I’m not imagining improvements. Not to get into double blind testing, but just to keep in mind that the brain can be fooled and make doubly sure that I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing. The second is power conditioning. I went from an expensive box back to my wiremold and I really don’t think I can hear a difference. I think that now that I understand the engineering behind AC use in an audio component, I am not convinced that power conditioning affects the component output. I think. 
So please resist the urge to pile on. I think this could be a worthwhile discussion if that’s possible anymore. I hope it is. 


Showing 9 responses by nevada_matt

I could not care less for the opinions based on the measurements. Nor from anyone thats sticks their nose in the air toward anyone who doesn’t spend $5000-$20000 on cables.

Whether something sounds good, to my ears, my brain, in my room at the volume I want, at a price I am comfortable with, is all that matters to me.

 “Golden ear” audiophools and sterile measurements crowd both be damned.

“Problem with using the ear in evaluating things is that it can be difficult to do it properly.”

Who cares.  

When I hear what is pleasing to me, I could not care less about your “measurements” or your elitist, self indulgent, and frankly insulting  “ difficult to do it (hear things) properly” bs.

@amir_asr again just shows his true passive aggressive, elitist, god complex self.


what is “my kind”?

As just a “normie” who spends some money on audio, a pox on both your “measurements rule” and the “golden ears” side that dismisses anyone not “trained”..

I buy what is pleasing to me.  Don’t give a dang about “measurements” which mainly are measuring that which is beyond audibility for anyone over 40 that has actually had any kind of “blue collar” job.  

Can I tell the difference between consumer grade klipsch vs magnepan and tektons? Absolutley.  (I have all 3).
Can I tell the difference between an underpowered amplifier and one with sufficient power for the dynamic range of what I listen to and how loudly I listen to it?  Yep.

Can I tell that I prefer tube amplification for mids and highs, using SS amps for lows and subs for under 100hz (for music)? Yep.

Can I tell the difference between a 192/24 vs mp3, especially as volume increases? Definitely.

Can I tell that I prefer a $2000 tube amp over the same power $20000 tube amp? 

Or at least hear no difference..? Yep.

What I buy, and what equipment provides me with hours on end of continued listening enjoyment,  at a price point I am willing to pay, has NOTHING to do with some elitist, sneering,  snob telling me that I am “wrong” because my equipment doesn’t “measure up” or that my choice is wrong because some “golden ear” says so.

THAT is “my kind” @amir_asr 

“All these are observable facts, not opinions. Remember Joe Friday? Just the facts ma’am! That seems to be Amir ”

“Insects have been measured to be superior to cattle for human consumption. If you don’t eat the Insects, it is because you have not “trained your palette ” to like what measures best. So your “opinion” of what is pleasing to your palette is not only vulgar, but dismissed. You are obviously nothing more than a plebe”


just the facts. That seems to be Amir

“No one can dispute a well made measurement. The issue it’s validity.”
I would say, with respect to WHAT is being measured, it’s: validity, application, meaning, relevance and relationship to a narrowly defined comparison or to any  ineffable, unmeasurable or variable purpose. Especially in the area of human perception, ethics and values; “measurements” are often meaningless, or maybe less than meaningful.

“Why these continued personal remarks?  Why not stick to the technical topic and leave it at that?  Every one of you is doing this.  How do you not sit back and realize that is bad ...”


Because of your attitude and attacks on anyone that disagrees with you.

Your elitist, snobby, insulting and personal attacks on people.


As I said, this is how I perceive @amir_asr both from the way he runs his site and his, often lengthy and/or contemptuous posts: 


“Insects have been measured to be superior to cattle for human consumption. {insert copy/pasted 2000 line post with “proof of claims” here}

If you don’t eat the Insects, it is because you have not “trained your palette ” to like what measures best. So your “opinion” of what is pleasing to your palette is not only vulgar, but dismissed. You are obviously nothing more than a plebe”

just the facts. That seems to be Amir. 


And he will make 1000 line posts that are, maybe, tangentially, relevant.  The old, “if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit” routine, coupled with his insulting, belittling and “excommunicate the bourgeois” postings attacking any who refuse his “wisdom from on high” just makes my skin crawl.

Where amir  presents measurements clinically and without  bias, well and good. 
a service.

Where amir starts going on about how, explicitly or through snide comments,  someone is  a rube, a plebe, an unsophisticated troglodyte if they don’t agree with his value judgements and they actually like, and forfend(!), purchase something that does not “measure up” per amir, is where he becomes offensive.

He becomes tedious, with copy/pasted thousand word or line replies and 15 multicolored charts and graphs.  Leave those on your own site and just provide an invite to view them there.

If humans only did or liked, what was “measurably” good for them, via social pressure, government diktat, or rule of technocrat, what a sad, flat experience life would be.

Make your measurements amir, but leave out the “value judgments”  of and, often less than subtle, insults about people who disregard your “suggestions” to purchase, or not, a piece of equipment. Save that crap for your own site. Please. If I ever want to be exposed to that kind of abusive snobishness, I will be sure to visit.




None of this was my question. My question which you did not answer, was what is the impact of this on fidelity of audio devices we use?”

Absolutely none.

There, your question is answered.

That you cannot recognize your own boorish, snobby elitism and the insulting implementation of such, is not surprising.

“I am here in a thread specifically addressing who and what we are at ASR. Lots of misinformation is posted by members that are easily refuted. So I refute. :)”
So you are here to advocate for your own website. I would call that advertising.

“I tolerate an inordinate amount of abusive snobbishness in this thread. Doesn’t bother me none as long as we get to the truth of who and what we are at ASR. ”

Really, I did not know that you had any measure of control whatsoever on this site to make any kind of decision on what you will or will not “tolerate” on a site you do not own. Just another example of your snobbish, elitist and entitled worldview.

So answer Amir, should we all “recalibrate” or “retrain” our sense of taste and switch to insect based protein, or vegan, because it objectively “measures” better and the technocrat class won’t tolerate anyone not following their “recommendations”?

Or should anyone disagreeing with you just be sent to a re-education camp, of your design, until they get “on-board” and stop disagreeing with you?