Diana Krall, Wallflower

Has anyone heard this new recording? I picked up the CD today and just got through listing to it. I'm normally not a fan of covers of hits but, she and her team knocked this one out of the park for me. You're not going to hear her killer piano chops, or bass, drums, guitar or whatever else instruments chops from the musician.. this album is more about the songs. The recording is really good, too.. on my system, anyway. Looking forward to hearing some thoughts and comments on this recording. Opinions from Negative Nancy's and Debbie downers are always entertaining, too. It's all subjective.

Showing 6 responses by rpeluso

Just bought a tkt to see/hear her in Wilkes-Barre next month, certain to be a great evening of live music. There is so much good, why do we humans feel the need to be sooooo critical? If you don;t like it, fine, keep it to yourself. Does it make you feel better about your life and yourself to criticize someone for their talents and choices. Sheesh. Humaniny can be UUUUUG-LEE. And a lot on display here, every day.
Home from the Krall concert last night in Wilkes Barre. Stunning. Great performance, great band, just an all around great concert. She can sing, despite what some here suggest. She has a style, and I like it. A lot.
Well, I saw/heard her show last month, she was anything but cold. Spoke with the audience, had a spontaneous chat with one lady, but why is that even a topic of discussion?

Any you? You come across as the old professor who knows all, so self-assured. So full of himself/herself. Not realizing no one cares, people see through it, wonder what you have to deal with that you are so preachy. They talk about you, or at least think about you if they are too kind to say it aloud. Its just too much. Your views are no more valued than anyone else's, but you are SO preachy.
Plus I do not think she cares if you do or do not purchase the recording. Nor do I. I am tending to really dislike this site, and what it shows about human nature. We take any and all chances we can to be critical of those who do what makes them happy, their passion. Happens in many/most professions, but this one (and a few others) get public criticism. Truly the worst of human nature. And why? And what for?

Have at it, if you must.
Well, I saw/heard her show last month, she was anything but cold. Spoke with the audience, had a spontaneous chat with one lady, but why is that even a topic of discussion?

Any you? You come across as the old professor who knows all, so self-assured. So full of himself/herself. Not realizing no one cares, people see through it, wonder what you have to deal with that you are so preachy. They talk about you, or at least think about you if they are too kind to say it aloud. Its just too much. Your views are no more valued than anyone else's, but you are SO preachy.