Diagonal seating?

Our room is configured such that the listening position has to be on a diagonal in relationship to the speakers. I try to turn my head so my ears are square to the speakers, but often I am listening while I’m doing something that needs my attention centered. It’s difficult for me to ascertain how much this affects the sound. I have noticed the soundstage is uneven unless I do something to compensate. I don’t know whether this is because of variable hearing from one ear to other since I am now 70 years old or it has something to do with the diagonal configuration.

Any thoughts?


Showing 1 response by m669326

OP here. Although my ears are sometimes turned sideways to the speakers, I am equidistant from each speaker on my side of the diagonal sofa. That helps, but doesn’t get everything the way it ought to be. Given the sofa and some peculiarities of the room, it’s probably unrealistic to think I can completely resolve this issue.

Thanks for your feedback, everybody.