Devore O/96 with Luxman 88uc

Anyone heard this combo? I feel like I read about it but now not finding it.


would like to hear your opinions.

i got to hear a Leben Cs600x with O/96 and it didn’t sound the way I thought it would.


Not this but I did hear the Luxman 300B amp with the Devore Reference speakers sounding fantastic at CAF in maybe 2019. Also a friend owned the 0/96s and used them with a Shindo Montrachet EL34 amp which is the same about the same wpc as the Luxman and it did great. Kind of triangulating around your answer sorry I'm sure others will chime in.

The best I have heard the Devore 0/96s sound was with a 60 wpc Atma-sphere OTLs. My friend owned a pair for a few years. Another friend had the 0/93s for a few years that also worked well with the Atmas. To my ears and with the right speakers OTLs are my favorites. 

I heard these speakers at Aural HiFi in Denver, not sure what tube amp it was paired with but wow what full rich sound.  My wife wouldn't let me buy them.

Rich is precisely the problem I think. Pair them with a rich sounding tube amp and you have an overabundance of rich. The Atma-sphere leaned them out and made them sound more real and less colored.