Devore O/96 with high powered amplifiers

Just picked up a used pair of Devore O/96 and am awaiting delivery. Still have a pair of McIntosh MC501s (500W) and a pair of Quicksilver V4s (170W) that I used with my previous speakers.

Before I sell the amplifiers for something with less power, I plan to at least try them with the O/96s.

What can I expect to hear? What issues might I encounter?




Showing 3 responses by fsonicsmith

I have powered my Devore O/93's with an ARC Ref 150 SE and it sounds better than with my ARC Ref 80S. They simply come alive to a greater degree with the higher power.  High powered amps with high efficiency speakers are fine so long as hum is not a problem. Having a well matched amp and preamp certainly helps so the you don't have too much gain. 

I was expecting strong bass, especially with the high powered amps; however, this is not the case. 

Looking at your virtual system it is curious that you went from Wilsons to the Orangutan 96 if strong bass was your priority. There are always trade-offs regardless of price. With that in mind you went to a smaller, simpler loudspeaker that does not push as much air as the Wilsons. The O/96's are not bass monsters. They are mostly about touch and tone, with a very distinct sense of refinement and propulsive-ness. This can go two ways imho. You may be the wrong customer for the O/96's or you may with time grow to love them for their good qualities. That single 10" SEAS driver can go fairly low with moderately taut bass but it will not thump you in the chest no matter how many watts your throw at it. 

Sorry to keep droning on but look at it this way-compared to a pair of Falcon Gold Badges the O/96's have extended bass and good low-end grunt but compared to refrigerator sized Wilsons they do not. 

I mentioned touch and tone. I believe that a good 30 watt tubed amp like the Leben is pretty much the sweet spot for drawing out the best qualities of the O/96 that MAY, if you are the matching type of customer/owner, get drawn in over time. 

And last, for reasons unknown Auditorium 23 speaker cables are a magical match for the Orangutans. 


The DeVore can do bass nicely but its important to keep in mind the speaker is not designed for a tube amp with a higher damping factor. At shows DeVore is often seen using an SET with no feedback which has a lower damping factor. He is relying on this for the speaker to make bass properly.

This is why some higher powered amps might not be ideal on this speaker. Its not the power that's the issue- its the fact that the speaker is not meant to be heavily damped by the amp.

I knew that they sound better with lower power tube amps of about 30 watts but did not know why. And yet between my eight watt Ampandsound Nautilus and my two ARC amps (150 and 80 watts) I prefer the higher powered amps. I am rather sure both ARC amps have high damping factor-I believe around 14. Bass is tighter and more satisfying with my higher powered amps. When I say that the Orangutans sound better with lowered powered amps like a 30 watt Leben I am referring to the overall presentation.