Devore O/96 with high powered amplifiers

Just picked up a used pair of Devore O/96 and am awaiting delivery. Still have a pair of McIntosh MC501s (500W) and a pair of Quicksilver V4s (170W) that I used with my previous speakers.

Before I sell the amplifiers for something with less power, I plan to at least try them with the O/96s.

What can I expect to hear? What issues might I encounter?




Showing 1 response by atmasphere

@fsonicsmith @cold_pillow 

The DeVore can do bass nicely but its important to keep in mind the speaker is not designed for a tube amp with a higher damping factor. At shows DeVore is often seen using an SET with no feedback which has a lower damping factor. He is relying on this for the speaker to make bass properly.

This is why some higher powered amps might not be ideal on this speaker. Its not the power that's the issue- its the fact that the speaker is not meant to be heavily damped by the amp.