Devore Gibbon Super 8 or AN AN/E or AN AN J/SE?

Hello, I am considering selling my ESL 57, which are driven by a Shindo Monbrison and EAR 890. The three speakers I have singled out are the Devore Gibbon Super 8, the Audio Note AN/E and the Audio Note AN J/Se. I have a slight inclination toward the AN/E based on the reviews I have seen. I hear they are the most dynamic of the three. But I would be curious to hear opinions by people who have experienced/compared such speakers. BTW, I have a fairly small room. Thanks.
I guess this is going to be a little late BUT...I'm selling some Super 8s and in the market for some ESL 57's. Did you ever make the move?
First of all all of the speakers you are considering are truly excellent. I own kit AN/Es and have previously owned the DeVore Super 8s. The DeVores are among the most musical, enjoyable speakers in existence at any price.

You are correct that the AN/Es are more dynamic - actually either Audio Note speaker is. As wonderful as the DeVores are, dynamics is not their strong suit IMO.

You are also correct that small rooms *can* be an issue with the AN/E, which is very extended and can put out a lot of bass.

IMO all these speakers are at their best with SETs. In a small room, a 2W 45 amp is plenty for the AN/Es. The DeVores are happy with a PX-25 or 300B, or even 2A3 in a small room.

Finally, 2nd the recommended on the Sistrum stands. They are excellent.
If you buy the AN E/J speakers put them on Sistrum stands. You will never hear the full potential of the speakers on AN stands or the like.

If you want more info on AN E/J speakers E-mail me off line.