Devore and Shindo match

I have been a bit hesitant to start this thread because it seems as if there are a couple of other ones going that are very close to addressing the Devore and Shindo. So I thought this may swing the door open a bit wider. I have taken a few trips to dealers, having heard the Devore Nines once. The preamp was a Shindo, the amp was a VTL ran in Triode. I have owned VTL, am familiar with their sound in Triode which in my system and IMO was a bit slow, without much detail and definition. Again, in the context of my system only. What are the general impressions of anyone who has heard this combination. It will be some time until I make it back to a dealers to hear a Shindo amp, so I was hoping to hear a few opinions in the meantime. Please feel free to chime in with any experiences with Devore/Shindo, Shindo only, or even Devore with different gear.

Showing 1 response by doclamb

I haven't had the pleasure of hearing the Devore's, but I have the Montille 6V6 with the Aurieges MM on Altec Model 19's. The Montille 6V6 is a wonderful amplifier and highly recommended with the right speakers. My room is 18 x 26 and with the Montille's input pots at 1:00 and the Auregies volume at 10:00 I get all the volume needed with plenty of quick articulate bass.