Devore 093 compared to o96

I have the o93, and with my Thoress amps I haven’t heard anything better. But I’m wondering as we do in this hobby.

who has upgraded from the o93 to the o96 and what were your findings?


I'm running mine with Thoress 845 and Thoress ff preamp.


thanks for your info and time.




With that size room you could move to the O/96. Yes, I have heard both and have owned the O/93's for five years. Despite looking so similar they sound quite different. The O/93 is a bit buttoned-up, neutral, and true to the recording. The O/96 has something magical that I describe as "alive". It boogies. It makes the music propulsive and fun. It is not a carnival mirror though. The O/96 is more akin to the great loudspeakers Volti is producing. If you don't find yourself involuntarily tapping your toes to the O/96 you are either dead or there is something very wrong with your system. With either, you owe it to yourself to try the Auditorium 23 speaker cables. If I had your larger sized room my personal preference is for the O/96. Hope this helps. 

Hi, I am using the Auditorium 23 cables and like them very much.


i was thinking the room would be a good fit with the o96, but the o93 is a fine speaker with its own jump factor in my experience.


thanks for the info and your time.



i was thinking the room would be a good fit with the o96, but the o93 is a fine speaker with its own jump factor in my experience.

I don't take any pleasure in saying that the O/96 is the more enjoyable speaker. Audition a pair at a dealer, show, or find someone who is nice enough to let you listen to theirs and see for yourself. You asked and I responded :-) 

They are VERY different loudspeakers. There is a long thread by Prof you could likely find with a search. Prof is probably the most articulate and eloquent writer as to sound ever to write on this Board. In that thread in which he looks at alternatives to his Thiels and ultimately chooses the Joseph Audio Perspectives he praises the two Devores but discusses their differences. I found the thread for you. 


No, not offended or anything.


I have read that guys threads your right he has a way with words.


i feel I need to hear them in my room, which will mean taking the leap.


i recently added quite a bit of acoustic treatment and what a difference that made.


hearing the speakers somewhere else with other amps and gear isn’t going to give me a true picture I don’t think.


the guy I bought my o93’s from said he thought the o96 was 10 percent better than the o93. That’s his experience. He also said the bass was more pronounced as well as the tone sounded more real.

music is art and art is subjective. I thought hearing from actual owners would give me my best chance at what the differences are.

Reading what someone thinks about them but chooses another speaker just muddies the waters for me.

the tone of the devores are just right with my setup.


having the bigger speaker seems like there would just be more of that.


thanks for your reply, I appreciate it.