Desktop Mixer?

Hi everyone,

I have a situation where I have 2 PC’s and one set of desktop speakers. My ideal situation would be to have all audio come out of the same speakers at all times. Or headphones. I already use a mini integrated with 5 inputs.  The problem is I can only use 1 at a time.  Same with a lot of advanced desktop speakers. 

I am curious if anyone has solved this problem using a mini music type of mixer, or if there’s a better solution? Maybe dekstop speakers with dual inputs?

What I don’t need is a gaming mixer or to mix the microphone. That is set up correctly.





An integrated speaker or a preamp would solve the multiple sources one amp/set of speakers problem. But that would still only let you use one at a time. A mixer would let you still hear both at the same time. I used to use a mixer but left my amp/speakers play music and my computer monitor play audio for notifications/zoom/etc.