DEQX Beginner seeking advice

Hello DEQX Users,

I have a demo PreMate on loan for 2 weeks. That is not much time, given the complexity of setup. For now, I am skipping speaker calibration and trying to get room EQ running well. It is the bass in my sealed basement room that's the problem most in need.

1. Is there an online tutorial on this?  I looked at Nyal Mellor's YouTube entry, but I'm looking for something a little more detailed (but less than the manual).

2. Is it true that DEQX room EQ (unlike the TacT 2.2X I own) is applied to both channels, and can't be used to equalize each channel independently?

3. Is it also true that (unlike the TacT), a DEQX main/sub configuration does not automatically set time delays and levels relative to the mains? If so, how do most users accomplish this?

I will appreciate for any tips/help. At first impression, the DEQX DAC and xover sound considerably cleaner than the old TacT, but the complexity of setup is rather daunting.


P.S. I trust that starting a new thread is the right thing here, rather than hijacking the long, interesting, existing one.

Showing 2 responses by mike_in_nc


Thanks very much for the hints. They will be useful.

I have no doubt that I could master the DEQX software; however, I am less sure I can master it in two weeks -- two weeks of life filled with other activities as well. But I'll sure give it a try.

Again, I appreciate the tips and encouragement.


Thanks, drewan77, for the tips. Though I decided not to keep the DEQX (the relay clicks and dropouts when changing sample rate proved too distracting), the general principles you outlined are useful to know. I can use them for adjusting subs, whatever gear I wind up with.

BTW, I'm currently evaluating the Classé CP-800, which has much less DSP than the DEQX, but enough for my needs, and is delightfully simple to operate.
