DeOxit and ProGold

Had the cans lying around for years and never applied them. They come with small brushes as well. Seeking some practical advice as well as impressions. This is the anticipated approach:

1) Probably best to power down the breakers first?

2) Spray directly into RCA jacks as well as on the outer sleeve? Follow with brushing these surfaces...

3) Similarly, spray onto the pins and inner sleeves of RCA plugs.

4) Spray into all inner cavities and various prongs of power delivery stuff (wall outlets, IEC sockets, plugs).

5) Follow round of DeOxit with ProGold.

What experiences have people had? Surprised and impressed? Noticeable but minor? Not noticeable at all?

Thanks, Peter
Do you guys apply it (not by spraying) to the inside of RCA jacks? If so, do you wipe them out as well, using a clean Q tip?
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I purchased the kit from the ratshack, but it does not have the brush, just two small spray cans.

The treatment gave my father's 1978 luxman a whole new life. I disconnected the unit from everything and layed it on newspaper. I removed the wood casing and went to work. I cleaned the external contacts first with a q-tip and alcohol. I than sprayed the deoxit directly inside and outside the contacts as well as inside the pots & rocker switches with a one second quick spritz. I played with the rockers and dials and spritzed them one more time. This was during the evening and I left the unit alone over night and let the deoxit do it's thing. The next morning I used the Gold sprayed directly on (again, a 1 second spritz). When I was done I cleaned up excess around the connection with a q-tip but did not wipe off the connections.

Before the treatment, the unit sounded terrible but sensed some potential. My father was ready to dump it. After the treatment, I had a really hard time pulling myself away from listening to the amp. It sounded incredible. I gave the amp back to my father because I knew he'd enjoy it again.
I tried a new (to me) tweak this weekend, by cutting Q-tips in half then sticking the stick part into my dremel tool, then applying either Deoxit (for cleaning), or ProGold (for clean up and conditioning), directly to the Q-tips, I was able to easily clean PC plug blades and speaker cable spades. Worked really well getting some old QuickSilver Gold off the spade connectors. You will go through a lot of Q-tips to do a really good job on dirty stuff, but the Q-tips are soft and you shouldn't hurt the finish of whatever you are cleaning if you go at low spead and do not press too hard. You can use dry Q-tips to clean off the Deoxit residue and when finished you can still apply a thin layer of Pro Gold using the applicator brush.
ProGold is a great product, I like the whipe too, easy to use and no mess. I believe the ProGold name has been changed to DeoxitGold.
Great stuff, but DON'T SPRAY IT. Use brushes, q-tips, etc to apply it just where you want it. It does NOT evaporate and you don't want to get it all over everything ;--)
I like ProGold but never spray it onto (or into) anything.

Instead, I spray a tiny bit on a Q-Tip stripped of most of it's cotton tip and clean the connector carefully by hand. Wipe off all excess so the surface hardly shows the application of the product.

I only use DeOxit on badly corroded things.

RCA, XLR speaker connections and such get only the ProGold. DeOxit sounds really bad unless it's completely removed and then replaced with ProGold after the initial cleaning.

ProGold is also sold in a small plastic pancake with screw off lid. Inside are small saturated cotton squares handy to pick up, scrub with and dispose of.

I like the sound of ProGold as much as any product out there and I've tried at least a half dozen over the years.