Denon DP-A100 - is it that bad?

Maybe I sorta have the DD itch, maybe I dont. Picked up a used 1210 a little while back for giggles. It's definitely pretty good but doesnt blow me away. My plan is to build it into a nice wood sandbox plinth and use it in my family/party room which I'm currently renovating - maybe I'll also add an Audio Mods Rega arm too. My prize belt drive SOTA Star with Jelco arm is substantially better overall though and according to my tech who serviced it a ways back, the speed was bang on and consistent, so it doesnt falter there either.

Now I see the Denon anniversary table has hit the market at $1000-$1100 below it's original list. Well its reel purty, but some reviews, ie a thread on AK, are not so complimentary. Has anyone here had a chance to live with it for awhile? Especially been able to compare it to something like my SOTA? Please, no jacked up answers from guys looking to rid themselves of theirs anytime soon....LOL
Does it make sense at $1400 or is it just a dog at half that still? If it's actually better, I may flip the 1210 for it.

Showing 1 response by sayjul


Well here my story I was looking for a nice turntable for long time now my budget was $2000 so it came down to Denon DP-A100 100th Anniversary or the Marantz TT-15S1 Reference. I have my eyes on the Denon for long time, also the Marantz is nice! looking turntable too and less expensive any way I went with the Denon couldn't resist, I'm glad I did seen this turntable in person WoW!!😲 just amazing and sounds really good too, no regrets..👍👍😆Bernie 👽