Denon DNP-800NE Reviews?

$100 more than the Node 2i and no support for MQA, but still curious if anyone has heard one?
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Showing 2 responses by toro3

Grunefeld - the HEOS is a pretty nice convenience. I’ve been using it through a Marantz pre for the past year. I was thinking of utilizing this player for a two-channel system in the office. Appreciate the comment and time, sir!
@ bryhifi, I went with the Node 2i and paired it with a MHDT (16 bit input) Paradisea + since the majority of the strange music I listened to on Tidal wasn’t utilizing MQA. 
With this said, I’m still curious about this Denon alternative. Love to see a head-to-head between these two streamers. At the time of purchase of the Node, there just wasn’t too much information on the Denon...
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