Denon DL-103R cartridge update

Hi everyone. I have been using the 103R on my system for the past year and would like an upgrade. It's a great cartridge, but I'm ready for more detail and dynamics. My system:Pro-ject RM6-SB, Musical Surroundings Phonomena II, Cayin integrated amp, Usher (pre Berylium) tower speakers & Morrow /XLO cables.
I listen mostly to jazz, quartet (where possible), Blue Note, Monk, Coltrane, Hancock, Rollins, Crusaders (pre 1968), Cachao, etc., standard fare but extensive.
Thanks and your suggestions are appreciated.

Showing 5 responses by gadfly

I recently nuded a new 103 and just had a look at the little graph report. It states 3.9 for both chanels. Nice. My other 103s doe have a small imbalance but I can't tell when listening .. And I try. ;.)
Do not use the guard when removing the body. It will only get in your way. Easy does it, slow and steady, and you will be ok.
Hey, I have an extra one as well. I am in New Jersey, if that is any closer. I thought it would be better to leave it off but Tobes makes a good point.
I think the conical stylus is better without a body. It not the most resolving cut so the less resonace the better.

When or if you upgrade the stylus then adding a wood body realy enhances the sound. It adds something.
one quick way what the difference might be heard, as a test, is to place some masking tape on the sides of the cart. You will see how that damping rids it of some unwelcome resonance.