Denon DL-103R cartridge update

Hi everyone. I have been using the 103R on my system for the past year and would like an upgrade. It's a great cartridge, but I'm ready for more detail and dynamics. My system:Pro-ject RM6-SB, Musical Surroundings Phonomena II, Cayin integrated amp, Usher (pre Berylium) tower speakers & Morrow /XLO cables.
I listen mostly to jazz, quartet (where possible), Blue Note, Monk, Coltrane, Hancock, Rollins, Crusaders (pre 1968), Cachao, etc., standard fare but extensive.
Thanks and your suggestions are appreciated.

Showing 1 response by darkmoebius

04-09-11: Mofimadness
I have (2) Denon DL103D's and I am going to send them to SoundSmith for a retip and then onto Zu to have them potted and put into one of their bodies...
I also have a pristine 103D. It would be interesting to hear about a comparison after upgrading one and keeping the other stock?

Do you know of anyone else ever upgrading the body or stylus on the 103D?