Raul, thank you for your suggestion, I will check into that tonight
Viridian, thank you for your infomative post, I had no idea about compliance or tonearm moving mass issues. I wonder why Denon lists the 103R as one of their recommended cartridges for this table? That leaves me with a question though about moving mass and how that is determined, it's not something listed in the specs. I know the headshell itself weighs 9g. but I'm assuming the actual weight of the tonearm doesn't have a lot to do with moving mass. I'm a little lost on that and would appreciate a little insight.
Also, when you describe the sound of the 301 as being "slightly light" does that refer to the bass and to a "thin" sound? If so, tht's not what I'm looking for, I don't want excess bass but I do want it to be somewhat accurate. Any idea if the 301II helps with that issue? I will check into your cartridge choice tonight as well.
Thanks again to both of you.