Denon 3802 + 5ch.amp or Sunfire Ultmate Receiver

I just bought a Denon 3802, which I can still return.

I am thinking of adding the 400W X 5 channel Sunfire amp to it to drive all of my speakers.

OR the 200W X five Sunfire amp. My speakers are Essence Super gems which have been driven by my Jeff Rowland Model 5. I don't want to drop too much in sound quality thats why I was leaning towards the 400W amp.

My other option is just to go with the Sunfire Ultimate Receiver. It has better DACs 24-bit, 192mhz vs the denon 24-bit 94mhz. I have no idea if this would make a difference in sound quality. The Denon has 32 bit DSP, I'm not sure what the Sunfire has. The sunfire reciever is 200W X 5 channel.

I am on a tight budget and want to set up a HT with out downgrading the sound of my old Jeff Rowland Model 5, Terra Song preamp.

Thanks for any help on this subject.


Showing 1 response by perkadin

get the sunfire receiver, why would you want to use the denon as a preamp, especially when you can still return it? either that or go with used separates