denon 160, AT 150, orton 540 mk2 or Grado Sonata?

How would you describe the characteristics of each? Just as I decide on one, something pops up. The Denon is difficult to mount, the Grado hums etc. Does any of these jump out as the clear cut sonic winner and tracker?
The MC gain on my Outlaw receiver is such, as measured by Froemmer," The gain in MM mode, measured at the preamp output with the volume control at its maximum, was higher than usual at 50db; the MC mode added another 15db" Audiophiles, at the moment, I'm a little paralyzed by choices here for my VPI 19 jr, AQ 6 tonearm!
Thanks, again for your input.

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One can only discribe components in relation to another. I changed from a Grado Sonata low output to a Benz Ebony High Output. The change revealed that the Grado was grainy, deep tan in character, and not well extended in either direction. I must confess that before the change I was quite happy with it - it sounded very musical to me...I am a violinist.