Dennis Had FIRE 300 B tube SET

Hi- I have Fire Bottle 300B on the way. Any info from an owner of one of these is greatly appreciated, and… has anyone placed a tube preamp ahead of it? I have a Rogue RP-1…

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Showing 1 response by carlsbad2

No replies so far, maybe no owners here.  I just discussed this amp last week with a friend looking to buy a 300b.  My concern is that Dennis is using less expensive components to make an amp that sells for $4k with $1.5K ouput tubes.  You can see the less expensive components in the photos of the insides available on the internet.  

I also like a larger driver tube in a 300b so I sent him to a boutique amp maker I know who uses a 6V6 driver.

Dennis has a great reputation and probably knows where best to invest in a design so I hope it sounds great for you.  Please report back on how it sounds.

I always put my pre in front of my integrated and turn the integrated up all the way.  What I really need in an amp with multiple inputs.  Don't know why that isn't normally made.
