Denafrips Price Increase

Starting Dec13  a sizeable price increase, Denafrips how much ?

holo springs went up $500: on the new  Holo springs May dac and  other models they may go up again after the new year , just a heads up I got notice in my email.


@audioman58 Did the KTE May DAC already have a price increase? If so, how much of an increase was it? Did you say they are planning another one on the KTE May DAC? Thanks. 

How can people have enough money to dabble in high end audiophile equipment and not understand supply and demand.

@mwasilow ,

Unfortunately it is all a scam to make up for the loss during Covid shutdown.

This comment is deeply misinformed. While I have no doubt Chinese suppliers are trying to grab a bit of extra margin, prices for semiconductors, capacitors, magnetic, copper, steel, aluminum, etc. are through the roof. I am actually surprised by only a 5-6% increase when their component cost could easily be 25-30% higher than it was a 12-18 months ago.

This is not a matter of making up for lost sales. There was a whole slew of events that caused this, starting with a shutdown of manufacturing for an extended period of time, which causes part suppliers to shut down .... then as things were starting to open up, delta hit and it hit some key areas really hard like the Philippines and Malaysia key semiconductor packaging areas, and Chinese factories well open, were under restrictions that reduces their capacity, then you had the energy shortages in Shenzhen/Dongguan that was cutting factories down to as little as 1 day a week.

Many many suppliers or electronics are happy if they can make their product at all, even at a higher cost. Cost negotiated and scheduled orders were cancelled by semiconductor vendors en-masse. Force majeur, or "act of God" depending on the contract language. We have had to use it with customers ourselves. We are paying 2, even 3x the price of some components on the broker market, and have requalified 2, 3 even 4 parts for a socket just so we could build. Now add in price increases on all commodities. If any supplier in China is only raising prices 5-6% they are taking a significant margin hit just to maintain sales volume.


China is up and running OT  while they were shut down they were still engineering new products.

the New Terminator -2 has only been out 4 months now ,a slightly scaled down terminator +.

Mwasilow, and? Lots of businesses raise prices for a myriad of reasons. In a free market you can raise prices or lower prices for any reason whatsoever or no reason at all. A reasonably free market has a way of sorting through it all. Buy or dont buy, those are the choices.

Not many u.s made dacs That  are superior to the Denafrips Terminator-2  with  their Gaia, or Hermes DDC over clocker thee reclocker  work well with other brands also I sold my current U.S made dac and it was not even that close and the U.S made dac -Streamer was $6500 the Term-2 with Hermes reclocker was only $5700

how many US companies can you get dual oven clocks in both dac and overclocker  for this price loaded with name brand parts ? That’s why I bought it 

High Quality and Value.

I have 40 years of China export business and all of this a ploy to make an additional profit. I had visited China several times a year. My suppliers only shut down for 3 to 6 months a year and half ago. They are all electronic manufacturers.

So there is no excuse except to make up for those couple of months of loss revenue! Most suppliers are using this as an excuse to benefit for Covid and make additional dollars to improve margins!

Unfortunately it is all a scam to make up for the loss during Covid shutdown.

Major companies are being fined and many companies are under government scrutiny and ready to explode. ELAC for example is offering a 25% off for most products that they raised the price price 2+ months ago. You still end up purchasing at same or more than before!  China stopped manufacturing over a year ago, So there is no reason for this. Even carriers are taking advantage of this and is all a scam. The key to solving all of this is not to buy anything and then everything will drop in price unless a priority to maintaining life.