Denafrips Pontus 2 Price increases

Has anyone else noticed the the price of Denafrips Dac's have had two significant price increase in the last 12 month

Yes they did make "upgrade changes" but a 30% increases seems to be excessive

The Pontus 2 went from $1750 to $2,449

I am now having to consider an alternative   your thoughts


Showing 4 responses by audioman58

Denafrips Quality has gone down ,we directly compared the new to the 2 year old model , this too applies the Terminator .

they used to use Nichicon capacitors from Japan ,now just OEM caps fromChina

also they used to use Swiss Silmic caps , less quality more money.

Audio-musician Pegasus , and one higher model the Aquarius are a much better product for less monies, better-parts quality ,check out their reviews I have one in my 2nd audio system and indeed under the cover parts are noticeably better quality. 

That is a rip off , for when they went to the 12 th anniversary 

they used to use Nichicon capacitors from Japan ,now just OEM caps fromChina

also they used to use Swiss Silmic caps , less quality more money.

Audio-musician Pegasus , and one higher model the Aquarius are a much better product for less monies, better-parts quality ,check out their reviews I have one in my 2nd audio system and indeed under the cover parts are noticeably better quality.

Marco1 it is true as to the older parts are better more $$ quality

the reason it sounds better is because of the programmable firmware upgrade 

which is on going.  Nothing more to be said .   Just read their website it will tell you 

OEM capacitors , meaning local made in China , read older reviews you will see Nichicon , and other well name brands , cost cutting saves $$ , do your research.

Marco1 if you look at pictures ,reviews from older models they used Better Evo x, Nichicon, and Swiss Elna  Silmic caps ,myself and many in our north eat audio club has owned Denafrips and many much higher quality products ,

I have 40 years in Audio and owned a Audio store ,I forgot more then you will ever know ,so please keep your ignorance to yourself , end of response try doing research spend a few hours in older you tube videos you will learn !!