Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update

In case there are any Denafrips DAC owners out there that are not aware of the FPGA Firmware Update, here's the link:

I did the update on my Ares II earlier today and am currently enjoying the results.  It is definitely an improvement without question.


Update on last nights post. All was fine for the first hour, sound changed over the listening period with vocals defintely fleshing out more as time went on. That was until i started getting artefacts, especially on high dynamic swings, notably drum impacts and bass.

I played around with the I2S settings again, sometimes it would clear but not always. Checked cable connections, rebooted just about everything i could think of including the SoTM SMS200 Ultra (used as HQPlayer NAA, fixed volume with -3db, Sinc-M, LNS15 and 176.4K PCM - nothing too severe) and Antipodes CX. Again all was fine for a bit then artefacts returned. The only other item in the chain is an Audioquest Vodka HDMI 48K cable, all components the same as pre FPGA upgrade.

Mixed feelings when i ended the session, sound (when working) was damn close to what i would expect going from the Venus to Terminator, it was that good. Just need to bottom out the source of artefacts, will raise a call with Denafrips.

Anyone else had similar issues using I2S post v3.5 on a Venus II?

All I can say is prior to 3.5 update my Venus II was 000111 I2s setting. After the update it remained 000111 and I use a Tublus Argentus I2s cable. I have no preamp right now so I cannot listen but it registers as receiving the correct signal. (44.1 -1x)

The joys of digital audio! Turned everything off physically and powered everything back on starting with source and ending with DAC, to that point i had concentrated on rebooting DDC, SOTM NAA bridge and DAC not considering anything else in the chain. I have used the system all weekend without an issue. Why the Antiopodes source would be affected by changing I2S pin out on the DAC i dont know. Maybe something completely unrelated that coincided with changeing I2S. Keeping fingers crossed.

In terms of sound, Firmware update very positive in all areas but still lacking body in mids.  With all the issues i have had i havent really been able to let the system settle.  Intend to keep 3.5 on the Venus due to improvements in clarity, focus and scale/depth and hoping mids fleash out over time.

I just updated the firmware for my TII.  I am very pleased. There was an immediate improvement in the SQ.  I recommend doing the upgrade.  It was a challenge to get it done.  However, it has been worth the frustration. For you, computer whiz, I am sure it was a piece cake.

A quick update on the I2S connection issue for Iris DDC and T-plus running V3.7. Denefrips said they would no longer work on a firmware fix for the old (my bought in Oct 2021) DDC since it is replaced by the new 12th Ed. I bought a new Iris DDC 12th, installed it last night and tested for both PCM and DSD playback. It is now working perfectly via I2S connection to T-Plus running V3.7. The pinout configuration remains as 000, I did have to switch DSD right/left channel set up. Very happy with the sound so far, better than USB direct connection and also better than the old DDC I2S -> T-Plus running V1.0.. Will evaluate more after a few days.